Problems of ethnomusicology № 15
Kaluzhnikova Tatiana
Myth as a structural and semantic basis of musical compositions by Margarita Kesareva
Margarita Kesareva is an original Russian composer, representative of the «new folklore wave». The main source of the composer’s work is the poetry of the Urals incantations. In Kesareva’s works, the author of the article reveals verbal and musical complexes performing the function of stable mythological motives. With their help in the work of Kesareva a whole universe is created, organized according to mythological laws.
Belogurova Larisa, Nikeshicheva Valentina
On the 80th anniversary of «Intonational elements of Russian chastushka»
The article is devoted to the 80th anniversary of the publication of the article by Evgeny Hippius «Intonational elements of the Russian chastushka» — the first ethnomusicological study devoted to this genre. The main points of the work are well known to specialists, but some productive ideas still remain outside the readers’ field of vision.
Klymenko Iryna
Ukrainian and Belarusian areas of ritual tunes as the core of the Slavic-Baltic massif of earliest traditions
The ritual folklore of a group of neighboring ethnic groups Slavic-Baltic area (Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Russians, Lithuanians) submitted by developed song cycles of the agricultural circle and the wedding ritual is seen in the geo graphical aspect. 10 overview maps that illustrate the common principles of song morphology in a series of multiethnic areas, combining a huge space, for which the author proposed the definition of «Slavic-Balt earlytraditional massif».
Velichkovska Rodna
Ritual singing on St. George’s Day in Macedonia
The rituals, dedicated to St. George’s Day, form an important part of the traditional culture of the Macedonians. This holiday performs a border function, dividing the winter and summer half-year. The article generalizes rich ethnographic material, in which the main mythological concepts of the ritual are embodied. The article is illustrated by musical and poetic s amples of St. George songs from different regions of Macedonia.
Engovatova Margarita
Wedding songs from Zakamye with an equal segmented rhythm: structure and semantics
The subject of the author’s interest are wedding songs of a certain rhythmic structure fixed in Zakamye — equal segmented with three-time segments. In the ritual, these tunes are distinguished not only by their structural characteristics, but also by the conditions of execution, namely, by the connection with certain ritual situations.
Novikova Olga
The songs of the Barguzin Buryats: modern existing of tradition
The song tradition of the Barguzin Buryats, saving the living functioning, presented mainly lyric songs. With disappearance of epos and some other genres it serves as an ethnic marker of this ethnic local group of Buryat. In songs of the Barguzin Buryat it is possible to observe not only feature of metropolitan song culture (the upper reaches of the Lena river), but also the connection with the East Buryat song tradition.