Problems of ethnomusicology № 14




Leonova Natalia

Song siberian old settler russians: description features in the complex research project

The article describes the local singing tradition of the village Balman Novosibirsk region, which is inhabited by the descendants of Russian old residents of Siberia. The focus is on the genres of ritual (wedding folklore) and seasonal (spring khorovod and winter game songs) positions. Description features material defined by task a comprehensive research project in Novosibirsk specialists who study the song traditions of Siberian peoples.

Sytchenko Galina

Song tradition Chelkans Turochak district of the Altai Republic (to the problem of comparative typological study)

This article contains some methodological principles of scientific project carried out by philologists ethnomusicologist and Novosibirsk. Are set out criteria for allocating the local tradition, explores possible reasons allocating narrow local traditions — geographic, social, chronological. All of these issues are considered by the example of singing traditions Chelkans Turochak district of the Altai Republic.

Tiron Ekaterina

Local features  of Tuvinians songs kozhamyk (on archival materials of the 1970s)

Article is devoted kozhamyk – to one of the main song genres of Tuvinians. Material for the analysis of the Tuva songs are archival records of the 1970th. Big massif allows to carry out a synchronous cut of tradition. The study aims to identify local features kozhamyk, prevailing in different regions of the Republic of Tyva. The problem of the local division of Tuvan traditional music culture seen for the first time.

Nikitina Inessa

Mechanisms of formation of secondary rhythmic compositions in Mezen lyrical songs

The paper focuses on the specific genre forms in the lyrical songs in Mezen River basin. It explores ways of forming secondary rhythmic compositions and standard models. The author considers the question of stable relationships of these compositions with different primary rhythmic forms.

Ghilyana Dorjieva

Kalmyk long songs with single-line (short) tunes

Long songs (ut dun) is the most important sphere of traditional musical culture of the Kalmyks. The subject of scientific interests of the author of the article — long songs are single-line forms, which are performed mainly in the wedding ritual. Such a structure can have samples of the genre chastr dun, which include songs in praise of Buddhist shrines. This article uses material recorded by the author’s expeditions in the 1990s.

Nikeshicheva Valentina

«Skoba r’» of south areas Pskov regions: to the question of musical rhythmic realization of chastushka verse

The article presents the experience of studying one of the genres of the late Russian folk music — instrumental and vocal forms — from the standpoint of structural and typological analysis. It considers non-dance chastushki called «Skobar’», prevailing in the Pskov and Tver regions. The author explores the rhythmic structure of these chastushki that allows him to put the question of the typology of these forms.

Gordienko Oleg

Shepherd’s horn in Kovrov district of Vladimir region

The publication contains information about the Russian shepherd’s horn that existed in the Kovrov district of Vladimir region. Of particular value it represents information about the horns with monolithic body and scorched by the channel, because of similar designs in scientific literature is not described. Also notable information about crowded ensembles of players on the horn, which arose spontaneously on the grazing.