Problems of ethnomusicology № 10
Tatyana Kaluzhnikova
From the history of musical folklore in the Urals: songs with melodies in the I. Y. Styazhkins auditory recordings
The author refers to the outstanding monument of the Ural folklore of the turn of XIX–XX centuries — the manuscript of «Folk literature Kamyshlov district» compiled by the folklorist- amateur Ivan Yakovlevich Styazhkin. The subject of the analysis began auditory recordings of folk songs with melodies. Specifically considers the problem of change, which is currently undergoing vocal folklore recorded by the collector. To do this, the song from the manuscript are compared with the materials collected by the teachers and students of the Ural State Conservatory in the expeditions 1970–1990-ies «in the footsteps Styazhkin».
Oleg Gordienko
Sound instruments shepherds of the Vladimir region in the regional publications by N. G. Dobrynkin
The article analyzes ethnoorganological information contained in the articles by well-known local historian from Vladimir region N. G. Dobrynkin. Collected data are compared with results of recent field studies of sound instruments shepherds of Vladimir region. The most valuable part ethnoorganological facts collected by Dobrynkin are the information about poorly studied shepherd’s instrument of Central Russia double clarinet (doublepipe).
Valentina Moiseeva
Musical notations by Elias Lönnrot as an example of the earliest fixation of folk melodies in Karelia
Prominent Finnish scientist of the nineteenth century, poet, linguist, folklorist, author of the Karelo-Finnish epic, the Kalevala, Elias Lönnrot in their expeditions to the places of compact residence of the Finno-Ugric peoples wrote not only poems of ancient runes, but their tunes. These records are the earliest documentary fixation of folklore in the territory of the Russian Karelia. Sheet music published in the first edition of an anthology of songs «Kanteletar» (Helsinki, 1840). The author analyzes published tunes, comparing them with handwritten sources.
Olga Pashina
Polystadial structure of folk traditions in the light of regional studies
The author examines polystadial structure as one of the distinctive qualities of contemporary music and folklore traditions, which coexist elements of different historical and cultural epochs. The paper analyzes the causes and various forms of manifestation, the ratio of conservative and innovative principles in various regional traditions.
Tamila Djani-Zade
Typology of «lutes» in the culture of the Islamic civilization (VII–XVII centuries)
The article is devoted to the history and typology of «lutes» and other chordophones in the culture of the medieval Muslim East. Considering a musical instrument as part of culture, the researcher examines not only its design features, but also the propagation medium, the degree and form of practical use, existing in connection with the aesthetic, mythological, theoretical and cultural assessment in the community. The article is illustrated by a large number of iconographic materials.
Angelina Alpatova
Regional characteristics of traditional music of Cambodia in the historical and cultural context
The article presents the traditional music of Cambodia, preserving many features of the musical heritage of antiquity and the middle ages. We are talking in particular about musical instruments and the system of genres that are closely related to traditional types of musical and theatrical art, and above all — with a dance drama created in the mon-Khmer and Indian mythological subjects.