Problems of ethnomusicology № 19
Belogurova Larisa
The problems of M. A. Engovatova’s scientific research in the focus of the formation and development of the structural and typological direction in Russian ethnomusicology
The article is devoted to the 80th anniversary of the birth and the anniversary of the death of Margarita Anatolyevna Engovatova. She was one of the founders of the Gnessin folklore school and headed it for many years. Summing up the scientific path of the famous Russian ethnomusicologist, the author highlights the researcher’s contribution to the formation of the structural and typological direction, focusing on the main problems of her scientific works.
Engovatova Margarita
“The History of Polyphony” by Marius Schneider
The publication is a fragment of M. A. Engovatova’s unfinished scientific work “Russian folk vocal polyphony in the focus of structural and typological research”. It is dedicated to the fundamental monograph of the German ethnomusicologist Marius Schneider “The History of Polyphony: historical and phenomenological study”.
Engovatova Margarita
Polyphony in Western Russian traditions
The article is based on a report read by M. A. Engovatova in 1991 in Royaumont (France) at the international colloquium on Russian folk polyphony. The materials of the report were published in French, but the text of the article was not coordinated with the author. In this publication, the text is supplemented with musical examples that were demonstrated at the colloquium in the form of score notations or sound recordings.
Engovatova Margarita
The traditional polyphony of the Russian North
The article is based on a report read by M. A. Engovatova in 1991 in Royaumont (France) at the international colloquium on Russian folk polyphony. The materials of the report were published in French, but the text of the article was not coordinated with the author. In this publication, the text is supplemented with musical examples that were demonstrated at the colloquium in the form of score notations or sound recordings.
Biteriakova Elena
At the beginning of the way: materials for the biography of Evgeny Hippius
The article is devoted to the early years of Evgeny Hippius’ life and work — the period of the 1920s-1930s. On the basis of unknown archival materials and rare publications, information about this stage of his life associated with St. Petersburg / Petrograd / Leningrad has been clarified and supplemented. The published materials expand the understanding of the scientist’s family, highlight some new details of his biography related to his studies at the conservatory, communication with Boris Asafyev, and expeditionary activities in the 1920s.
Pashina Olga
E. V. Нippius and his methodology of studying folk music
The author outlines the main methodological approaches to the study of folk music proposed by Evgeny Hippius, the largest authority in Russian ethnomusicology of the Soviet era, the founder of the structural and typological trend in modern Russian ethnomusicology. The article traces the development of the scientist’s scientific views, provides a list of his main works.
Shishkina Elena
The processes of reduction in the traditional musical culture of the peoples of the Lower Volga (the last quarter of the XX — beginning of the XXI century)
The author explores various causes and forms of the extinction of traditional musical culture on the example of various peoples living in the Lower Volga region. The paper considers two types of reduction: gradual, incomprehensible by the bearers themselves and associated with natural changes in the way of life (Russians), and abrupt, arising from the violent interruption of cultural tradition (Astrakhan Kalmyks, Volga Germans).
Konstantinova Tatyana
Belarusian musical and choreographic folklore: historical and methodological aspect
The work is devoted to the history of collecting and scientific understanding of the Belarusian musical and choreographic traditions. The issues of terminology and classification of Belarusian choreographic folklore are touched upon, four stages in the history of its study are differentiated, and the circle of researchers in whose works this problem is being developed is indicated.
Boronina Elena
Gorka holiday on Pizhma River: the current state of tradition
The article is based on the materials of the folklore and ethnographic expedition of the Moscow State Institute of Culture in 2018 to the villages located along the Pizhma River in the Ust’-Tsil’ma district of the Komi Republic. The peculiarities of the spring holiday (Gorka) are observed, the cycle of khorovod of the local traditional costume is described in detail. The current state of the tradition of this holiday is characterized.
Yakubovskaya Elena
The tradition of the village of Vaymusha in Pinega district: song duets in the recordings of 1927
The article presents the tradition of classical “lingering” lyrical songs recorded in the village of Vaimusha in the Pinezhsky district of the Arkhangelsk region. The peculiarities of folk polyphony are considered on the example of a small singing ensemble — a duo of master-singers. Notations of phonographic recordings by E. V. Gippius and Z. V. Ewald in 1927, made by the author of the article, are published for the first time.
Gordienko Oleg
About the tradition of duet performance of a long song on the Nizhny Novgorod zhaleyka-ladnitsa with five playing holes
The article is devoted to the little-studied tradition of ensemble playing of long songs on two folk clarinets with five playing holes. The material for the article was collected by the author in the 80s of the XX century in the Nizhny Novgorod (formerly Gorky) region. In addition to information about the sound instruments of local shepherds, the article publishes a reconstruction of a long song performed by a duet of folk clarinets.
Shentalinskaya Tatiana
Ballad with the plot “mother-in-law in captivity of her son-in-law”: typology of tunes and their genre adaptation
The article is devoted to Russian folk ballads with an epic plot “about Tatar captivity”, united by a common rhythmic organization. The author’s attention is focused on the features of the structural structure of the melodies, due to the difference in their genre embodiment — as lyrical, calendar, lullabies. The typological proximity of a large group of ballad tunes to the samples of the early layer of the song culture of the Eastern Slavs is revealed.
Shelukho Evgeniya
Metamorphoses of the author’s original source in folk versions of a cruel romance (based on the material of modern records from the south-western area of the Bryansk region)
The article examines the existence of the genre of violent romance in popular culture. The phenomenon of his popularity consists in the constant “updating” of the author’s original source by changing its textual and musical side. The samples collected by the author in expeditions to the southwestern regions of the Bryansk region served as the material for the study.
Kalyuzhnaya Varvara
Gippius Readings — 2023
The author gives an overview of the reports presented at the International Scientific Conference “Gippius Readings — 2023”, which was held on March 24-26 at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music. The conference was dedicated to the memory of Margarita A. Engovatova.