Рубрика: journal

Problems of ethnomusicology № 8

  2014 S U M M A R Y   Varfolomeeva Tamara Songs of the Belarusian rite of christening The article is devoted to the songs of the Belarusian rite of christening (radziny).  They...

Problems of ethnomusicology № 7

2014 S U M M A R Y   Tokmakova Olga Tanok and karagod in the Kursk region: text component and definition of genres Objects of this work is a bright and original round...

Problems of ethnomusicology № 6

2014 S U M M A R Y   Berkovich Tatiana In memory of Zinaida Mozhejko The article is dedicated to the memory of ethnomusicologist and ethno-cinematographer Zinaida Mozhejko — one of the leading...

Problems of ethnomusicology № 5

2013 S U M M A R Y   Dorokhova Ekaterina Unknown pages of Pinega expeditions in 1927 and 1930 The author introduces the unknown documents on the history of the famous complex expeditions...