Рубрика: journal

Problems of ethnomusicology № 12

2015 S U M M A R Y   Krasnopolskаya Tamara Ethnomusicology of Karelia: on the way to regional studies One of the last works of ethnomusi cologist Tamara Vsevolodovna Kras no polskaya, who...

Problems of ethnomusicology № 11

2015 S U M M A R Y   Lapin Viktor On faces: two rarity Evgeny Hippius In the age of social upheavals and cataclysms appear new human and professional facets of personalities. The...

Problems of ethnomusicology № 10

2015 S U M M A R Y   Tatyana Kaluzhnikova From the history of musical folklore in the Urals: songs with melodies in the I. Y. Styazhkins auditory recordings The author refers to...

Problems of ethnomusicology № 9

2014 S U M M A R Y   Rudichenko Tatiana Special vocabulary of actional and character codes of  Donwedding The article deals with the traditional terms and idioms that are used to denote...