Problems of ethnomusicology № 18
Krasnova Liya
Poetic texts of Boguchan walking songs : addressees, themes, compositional features
In the traditional culture of the Russian population of Boguchany district (Krasnoyarsk Krai), walking songs are the main musical and choreographic genre of autumn-winter parties for young people. The songs received their genre definition due to the peculiarities of their performance: they accompany the paired walks of girls and boys. The author’s attention is focused on some aspects of the pragmatics of the genre and the characteristics of poetic texts — their compositional and structural features.
Veremeenko Daria
The rhythmic structure of the tunes of the singing connection of youth couples on the upper Pinega
The article is devoted to the “friendly” singing of couples, which is a specific genre used at youth gatherings in the villages of the upper reaches of the Pinega. Such musical texts were intended to strengthen the relationship between a young man and a girl and denoted their possible marriage. Some results of the study of the rhythmic structure of these recordings are given. The author identifies the main musical and rhythmic patterns that are typologically homogeneous for the entire study area.
Leonov Ivan
“Sufferings” in the region of southern Skopin and their implementation in the work of the button accordionist Alexander Dyomkin
The article examines the main genre of musical instrumental tradition in the Skopin district of the Ryazan region — non-dance chastushka, which are called “sufferings” here. They are considered on the example of the work of the outstand ing button accordionist Alexander Dyomkin — one of the few local traditional musicians. The objective of the study is to identify common and individual signs of two varieties of south Scopin “sufferings”.
Zhuravleva Julia
Melodic and polyhonic organization of the main song type of the south Skopin wedding
In the song repertoire of the south Skopin wedding ceremony, the main place is occupied by samples performed for one polytextual tune. Residents of local villages call them laudatory, addressed mainly to newlyweds. The article presents an analytical description of the melodic and polyphonic patterns of the tune of these songs, characterized by vivid specific features.
Vaslyaeva Ekaterina
The polyphonic structure of the lyrical songs of the Vladimir region (Oka river basin)
The tradition of lyrical singing in the Vladimir region is one of those that have not been studied in Russian ethnomusicology. This article is devoted to the consideration of one component of the musical texts of lyrical songs — polyphony. The study of this phenomenon is based on the typological systematics of the forms of Russian folk polyphony, developed by the Gnesins ethnomusicologists.
Slokva Lydia, Nikitina Inessa
Organization of song polyphony in the local Ukrainian tradition of the Belgorod region
The object of the study is the singing culture of the Ukrainian village of Grinevo (Belgorod region, Novyy Oskol district). Here, in 2017 and 2018, during the expeditions, a voluminous collection of musical folklore was collected. Ensemble versions in it represent the most diverse musical and folklore genres: ritual calen- dar and wedding songs, lyrical and comic songs, chants of the church tradition. The basis of polyphonic singing is the type of three-voice in the style of cantus, with bright tonal-harmonic features.
Berezovskaya Alyona
Lyrical songs of Kezhma : on the issue of variability of rhythmic embodiment
The author of the article conducts a comparative study of variants of lyrical songs with a common poetic plot recorded in the local tradition of the Kezhma district of the Krasnoyarsk region. 152 versions of lyrical songs and 46 plots were involved in the analysis. The research focuses on various components of the musical-rhythmic system, mechanisms are observed that provide a variety of performing interpretations of the musical rhythm of these melodies.
Petukhova Anastasia
Winter congratulatory visits in the forest villages of Suzemka district of the Bryansk region
The article examines musical folklore texts of several genres accompanying winter congratulatory visits in one of the little-studied traditions of the south-east of the Bryansk region — Suzemka district. The paper presents the results of a structural analysis of the rhythmic and modal organization of New Year’s sowing songs, bounties (shchedrovki) and songs of the Goat driving rite. The data obtained cor- relate with the known information about these genres in the East Slavic territory.
Shepeleva Anastasia
Maslenitsa songs of the Bryansk-Sumy borderland: modal forms of tunes and their geography
The article is devoted to the leading genre of the cycle of calendar rituals on the Bryansk-Sumy borderland —Maslenitsa songs. The territory under study is located on the border of the western and Southern Russian ethno- cultural regions of the Eastern Slavs. This is reflected in the organization of local Maslenitsa tunes, which differ in a variety of modal forms — diatonic, angemitonic and whole-tone ones. They are considered by the author in typological and geographical perspectives.
Generalova Ulyana
South Smolensk ritual songs in the context of a wedding ritual
Wedding songs of the Ershichi district of the Smolensk region are presented by the author in the context of the ritual as a natural environment for their existence. The leading method is the functional-semantic analysis, which involves the identification of the ritual functions of songs and their connections with the dramatic lines of ritual. An attempt is being made to establish genre groups of song texts that differ in their functions in the ritual, the place and time of performance, the composition of performers and addressees.
Repina Anastasia
About two groups of rhythmic forms in the wedding repertoire of Starodub villages
In the wedding ritual of the villages of the Starodub district of the Bryansk region, one of the central places is occupied by songs with verse 6+6 and songs with a hyperstrophe, which combines verses of various structures. Such tunes, recorded with a large number of poetic texts, largely determine the sound appearance of a local wedding. The article is devoted to the structural-typological, functional and areal characteristics of these rhythmic forms.
Leonova Maria
South Russian whole — tone melodies : the experience of systematization based on the material of wedding songs of the Bolshebykovo village
The whole-tone music-acoustic system is known in many local traditions of the South Russian region. However, it has not found detailed coverage in the works of modern Russian ethnomusicologists. This article presents the results of studying the wedding whole-tone tunes re- corded in the Bolshebykovo village, Krasnogvardeysky district, Belgorod region, where such samples prevail. The analysis is undertaken in order to demonstrate the diversity of whole-tone melodies and the patterns of their internal organization within one local tradition.
Savinova Maria
Group wedding lamentation in the tradition of the village of Pchelinovka
The article is devoted to the characteristic of a ritual phenomenon unusual for the musical traditions of the South of Russia — group lamentation. This genre, known primarily as a marker of the North Russian traditional wedding, was recorded in the wedding ceremony of the Pchelinovka village (Voronezh region, Bobrov district). The author connects the presence of group lamentations here with the history of the settlement of the region. The article analyzes the structure of poetic texts and melodies of the genre under study.