Problems of ethnomusicology № 17
Belogurova Larisa
North-western type of equal-segment wedding tunes (melogeographic essay)
The article examines the geography of wedding tunes of the same rhythmic type recorded in the Pskov and Smolensk regions. These tunes represent the northwestern variety of the macro type of wedding songs, which unites a huge number of Russian wedding traditions. The typology of rhythmic and pitch forms of Smolensk-Pskov melodies is reflected on special maps placed in the article. Special attention is paid to the distribution of songs of this rhythmic type outside the main area.
Gadjieva Aishat
Nevel wedding songs with a six-syllable verse basis
The article is devoted to the structural analysis of wedding songs with a six-syllable basis of verse, existing in the Nevelsky district of the Pskov region. Two two-dimensional versions of the musical-rhythmic type under study have been identified, which connect the Nevel traditions with the Upper Podvinya region. The three-dimensional version of the studied musical-rhythmic type has a local distribution and forms mixed forms with another type of melody. The main function of the melodies of all three versions is the musical arrangement of an orphan wedding.
Engovatova Margarita
Typology of spring round dances and their songs in the Zakamye region and its conditionality by the context of their performance
The article proposes a typological systematics of spring round dances and related song forms that existed in the folk tradition of Zakamye. The author defines four groups of round dances, differing in functional component, locative and temporal characteristics, composition of participants, degree of involvement in calendar rituals, song repertoire. Stylistically, the songs differ in the tessitura and timbre of voices, the tempo of performance and the degree of development of intrasyllabic melody, the form of polyphony.
Shishkina Elena
Musical folklore texts of the Astrakhan catchers as a phenomenon of Russian traditional culture of the Lower Volga region
The article examines the folklore of the fishermen of the Volga-Caspian in the context of the Russian traditional culture of the Lower Volga region. The author defines the genre features of the labor songs. Some results of the author’s expeditionary activity in 1974–2014 are presented with an understanding of the gender shifts that occurred among folklore performers.
Dobzhanskaya Oksana
A ritual chant or a shaman’s personal song? (The influence of context on the genre characteristics of the folklore melodies of Nganasans)
The article provides a musicological analysis of the shamanic melodies of nganasan recorded in the village of Volochanka on Taimyr from S. M. Porbin. He reproduced the ritual chants of the Nganasan shamans Nobobti Ngamtusuo and Munsaku Turdagin, for whom he was an assistant in the 1950s and 1960s. The non-ritual situation of performance caused a number of significant changes in the musical style of shamanic chants. As a result, they lost the genre features of ritual folklore and acquired the features of personal songs. The article is based on the author’s field materials of 1990.
Larionova Anna
Music of ceremonies and festivals of the indigenous peoples of yakutia — evenks, evens, yukagirs and yakuts
The article examines the ritual folklore genres of the peoples of Yakutia that accompanied various rituals and holidays. Yakut algys are blessings, well-wishes that sounded in the rite of feeding the fire with oil and kumys during the summer holiday of Ysyakh, hunting, wedding and maternity rites. Among the Evenks, the genre is called alga or algavke. The Evens have hirgechen, it was performed during the Bear Festival. Ritual circular dances of the peoples of Yakutia are also considered. Ritual singing had an impact on nature and man, facilitated adaptation to the harsh living conditions in the Arctic region.
Gordienko Oleg
Forms of reproduction of the initial vocal text in the song instrumental plays of the Central Russian double zhaleyka
The article is devoted to the systematization of the song plays of the Russian folk aerophone — a double zhaleyka (folk double clarinet) that existed in central Russia, the region of the Oka River. Special attention is paid to solo song instrumental plays with vocal or speech inserts based on the initial musical and poetic text. Works of such a structure were recorded on both single and double zhaleika, but researchers did not perceive them as integral and indivisible texts. In this work, they are considered as unified folklore works.
Kalyuzhnaya Varvara
Kaluga harmonica player V. A. Petrov: the specifics of the repertoire in the context of intercultural communication
Victor Petrov is an urban street musician, at the same time he is a talented folk performer on the harmonica. This musician has an extensive repertoire — compositions based on popular pop songs and traditional folk tunes. Folklore samples from the village of Kamenka are of particular interest. This village of Ferzikov district of Kaluga region is a homeland by Petrov. This tradition was formed by immigrants from the Western provinces of the Russian empire at the beginning of XX century.
Dordzhieva Ghilyana
On the issue of comparative study of the Kalmyk dombra and the Xinjiang Tomshur
The article is devoted to the comparative study of the Kalmyk dombra and the Xinjiang tovshuur. The musical instruments, their parts as well as performing techniques are considered. The main attention is focused to the Twelve melodies of Xinjiang tovshur, their content. Various types of rhythmic organization presented, notation of Xinjiang tunes published for the first time.
Jussufi Guldzahon
Preservation and existence of the performing tradition on the kannel among foreign Estonians
The article touches upon the issues of the existence of the performing tradition on the Estonian kannel among foreign Estonians living in Sweden, Germany, England, America and Australia. For them, the instrument is not only a form of expression of their ethnocultural identity, but also a means of preserving, understanding and developing their ethnocultural essence. The work is based on materials from various Estonian archives, as well as data from the project «Mapping performers on folk kannel».
Berkovich Tatiana, Konstantinova Tatiana
The carrier of the ethno-song tradition in the conditions of a folklore group
The article is based on the materials of the stationary study of one of the village of Khotynichi in the Belarusian Polesie. The study was conducted by the authors together with ethnomusicologists of the Latvian Academy of Music and the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts. This study has a socio-cultural focus, which made it possible to obtain an interesting material for monitoring the peculiarities of the interaction of folklore group participants and their roles during singing.
Kvitka Kliment
Reference and explanatory note to the plan of folklore excursions of the Research Institute of Music for 1937 based on recordings of folk songs
For the first time, recently discovered archival documents of Kliment Kvitka concerning the organization of expeditions to collect musical folklore in the late 1930s at the Research Institute of Music of the Moscow Conservatory are published. In them, the scientist identified the most important direction of collecting work: a detailed list of trips, the dates of their conduct are outlined, the areas of expeditionary field research are designated, the most indicative local traditions are named, priority phenomena and genres of musical folklore are identified, which are subject to priority fixation.
Morozov Dmitry
Contextual approach in ethnomusicological dissertations of the beginning of the XXI century
The article analyzes the ethnomusicological dissertations of the last decades from the point of view of using a contextual approach and various research methods. The main thematic areas of scientific activity of ethnomusicologists are indicated.